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Author: Hind Noori

What Is Annulment and How Is It Different From Divorce?

What Is Annulment and How Is It Different From Divorce?

You’ve been married for a few months, but something feels off. Maybe you discover your spouse concealed significant debt or lied about wanting children. These aren’t just minor hiccups; they’re deal-breakers that make you question the validity of your marriage. That’s when the concept of annulment might cross your mind as a possible exit strategy. […]

Legal Separation vs. Divorce: Understanding Key Differences

Legal Separation vs. Divorce: Understanding Key Differences

When a marriage falls apart, couples often find themselves at a crossroads, contemplating whether to opt for legal separation or divorce. The choice isn’t always straightforward, and the implications can be far-reaching if you have shared assets, kids, or own businesses together. While divorce might not be ideal for your situation, you can consider a […]

10 Important Questions To Ask A Family Lawyer During First Consultation  

10 Important Questions To Ask A Family Lawyer During First Consultation  

Finding the right family lawyer in Etobicoke is crucial when dealing with legal matters involving your family. Whether it’s divorce, child custody, or other family-related issues, the initial consultation with a family lawyer is an opportunity to gather essential information and also determine if they are the right fit for your needs. In Canada, family […]

Does Co-Parenting Ever Get Easier? 6 Tips To Make Co-Parenting Successful 

Does Co-Parenting Ever Get Easier? 6 Tips To Make Co-Parenting Successful 

Co-parenting can be a challenging journey, especially in the early stages of separation or divorce. However, with time, effort, and a commitment to effective communication, co-parenting can become easier and more successful. As a family lawyer in Etobicoke, many clients ask me, “Does co-parenting ever get easier?” and I have nothing but empathy and advice […]